5 easy steps to download your Giving Statement.


Giving Statements are only accessible through the Online Portal. Statements are not available on the mobile app. The steps below are based on a desktop browser. If using a mobile browser, the page layouts will differ slightly.


Step 1: View My Profile

Login to the One Church Portal by going to gathering.onechurchsoftware.com If you are having trouble logging in or you don’t know your password click on “Forget Password.”

Once you are logged in to the dashboard, in the top left corner by your name, click on “View My Profile.”

View My Profile

Step 2: Giving

In the list of tabs under “Person Profile” click on the “Giving” tab.

Giving Tab Picture

Step 3: Generate Statement

With the “Giving” tab selected, scroll down on the page until you see the button labeled “Generate Statement.” Click the button.

Generate Statement Button

Step 4: Choose Last Year

When you click the button labeled “Generate Statement” a popup window will appear with a drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow and scroll down and click “Last Year.”

With “Last Year” selected Click the button that says “Generate PDF.”

Choose Last Year

Step 5: Download

When you click “Generate PDF”, this may take a few seconds as the portal gathers your information and shows your statement.

Once your Giving Statement is generated you will now have the option to either download or print your Giving Statement.

Download PDF

Thank you! Your generosity is a blessing!